Election Day 2024 (November 5) brings to the forefront numerous issues for voters. In Wright City, the ballot includes Proposition F. This $11 million bond issue benefits all residents by enhancing and improving fire suppression and emergency response capabilities. Proposition F facilitates a safer and stronger community, improving existing fire structures, increasing service capabilities, and ensuring safer working conditions for firefighters.
What Is the Proposition F Bond Issue?
The bond serves as integral funding for Wright City Fire Protection District. The bond issue will be used to pay for a $6.7 million new firehouse that replaces Firehouse #1. In addition, $2.5 million will be used to renovate Firehouse #3; these renovations will include new sleeping quarters for the crew and pay for water service. Firehouse #2 will receive $500,000 in upgrades and updates, while the additional funding ($1.3 million) will pay off apparatus debt and pay for a new pumper.
A New Firehouse Improves Crew Safety
The new firehouse is crucial for the fire district to provide comfortable and appropriate sleep areas for the crew. Firehouse #1 was designed when the District was a volunteer fire department; it lacks the room and design necessary for full-time crews. The sleeping area is not conducive for a crew that includes both genders.
The new firehouse also integrates state-of-the-art cleaning facilities. Our current crews do not have access to adequate cleaning and sanitization for gear. The inclusion of a designated cleaning space with modern cleaning and sanitation equipment improves the safety and health of our firefighters. Fires and other emergencies may expose crews to toxic chemicals and substances that increase the risk of some types of cancers. Proper cleaning of tools and gear help mitigate the exposure to these carcinogens. Healthy crews can serve the public and better meet the physical demands of the job.
Renovations to Firehouse #3 Improve Crew Working Conditions
Renovations to Firehouse #3 include the addition of new sleeping quarters for our crew. This renovation ensures our volunteer crews can rest during extensive shift periods. The current firehouse design also does not offer domestic water lines; installing water systems improves safety, comfort, and allows the firehouse to be used for full-time crew as the District grows.
Firehouse #3 also lacks space for fire apparatus. Our crews need proper space and storage for gear and trucks, ensuring quick mobilization during an emergency.
How Much Does Proposition F Cost Taxpayers?
Times are tight, and inflation has hit many homeowners and families hard. It’s understandable why many want more information about how passing this bond issue will cost individual residents in the community.
The financial impact on residents will be nominal. Homeowners will pay approximately $0.31 per every $100 assessed on their home each month. For example, those who live in a home assessed at $200K would pay $9.82 each month or less than $118 a year.
How Do Taxpayers Benefit from the Purchase of a New Truck?
Proposition F allows the District to purchase a new pumper. This purchase helps the District better meet the emergency needs of residents. As the area grows, the needs of the community also increase. We are managing more emergency calls than ever before, and apparatus expansion is necessary.
A new pumper provides additional protection for homes and property. One additional truck increases and improves response, and the new addition allows the District to be less dependent on neighboring fire departments in the event of a large-scale emergency. WCFPD must order the new engine soon, as it takes approximately two years to order and build a new apparatus.
What About the Old Firehouse?
While the passing of Proposition F allows the District to build a new firehouse with updated amenities, the current Firehouse #1 location will not just be abandoned. The District is considering two options for the current Firehouse #1 (if the bond issue passes and a new firehouse is built). We may sell the building, using the funds to pay down the current bond. The District also could retain the current firehouse, using it for training crews or to store equipment.
How Many Voters Have to Support Prop F For It To Pass?
Proposition F requires that 57 percent of voters approve it (by voting “yes”). The measure fails if less than 57 percent of voters approve it.
Remember to Vote!
Get out and vote on November 5. Supporting Proposition F increases safety for the community and our fire crews. For additional information about Prop F, please visit: https://www.wrightcityfire.com/prop-f.